Unloking the Potential of ChatGPT & AI - 4th Edition

A Guide to Embracing AI in Your Business and Life

On November 30th, 2022, OpenAI launched ChatGPT. In the five days that followed, ChatGPT became the fastest-adopted new technology in the history of the world. Less than two months later, it was being used by over 100 million people and captured the imagination of young and old alike. But as magical as this new technology appeared to be, the AI revolution was only just beginning. In March of 2023, ChatGPT was upgraded to GPT-4, and “plugins” were announced as thought leaders began to speak about the approach of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and news organizations began reporting on the many ways this new technology would transform the workplace, the economy and our lives. OpenAI continues to create new advancements, with the launch of GPTs in November 2023 (expanding to the GPT Store in January 2024) and the launch of Sora, OpenAI’s text-to-video model, in March 2024.


Introduction - p1

Chapter 1 :

Introduction to GPT-4 ....... p2

Chapter 2 :

GPTs and The GPT Store ....... p6

Chapter 3 :

The Promise of Auto-GPT ....... p11

Chapter 4 :

A Comprehensive Approach to ChatGPT Prompts ... p15

  • Prompts on Writing Good Prompts
  • Prompt Frameworks and Applications

- Business and Strategy ...... p21
- Productivity and Time-Saving ...... p34
- Content Writing ...... p43
- Learning ......p57
- Relational/Personal ...... p63
- Fitness, Health, & Lifestyle ...... p71

  • Frameworks for Custom Prompts
  • - A.C.E....... p79
    - T.A.S.K....... p82
    - C.L.E.A.R ...... p85

Chapter 5 :

Beyond ChatGPT: Other Large Language Models (LLMs) ....... p88

Chapter 6 :

Additional AI Tools ....... p93

Conclusion ....... p106

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